
George MacDonald

M.A. (Psychology) C.C.C.

George MacDonald received his undergraduate training in Psychology at St. Mary’s University, Halifax, N.S. and completed his Masters degree in Psychology at Sir Wilfred Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario. He received specialized training in Community Psychology, Narrative/Solution-Focused work and is currently a Canadian Certified Counselor and a member of the Canadian Counseling and Psychotherapy Association.

For the past 47 years, George has been employed in the mental health profession, most of these years working in Manitoba with Child and Family Services and Community Mental Health. He has authored professional articles on the causes of stress in farm families, family therapy and the problems of adolescent transition and child welfare. In 1994, George was the Research Coordinator for a federally funded research project on rural child sexual abuse and co-authored a book on this subject. He has provided consultation and training workshops to a number of provincial child welfare agencies and in several states in the United States.

George acknowledges the important work of Michael White and David Epston in developing and describing the Narrative approach in the Mental Health field. 


  • MacDonald, G. and Dunfield, G., “Farm Families and Family Therapy” in Freeman, D. and Trute, B. (eds.) Treating Families with Special Needs. Alberta Association of Social Workers Publishers, Ottawa, 1981.
  • MacDonald, G., Trudeau, A., Edgeworth, T., Day, M., Hicks, B., Prins, V., Reznowski, S., & Ladd, J., “Mandatory Referrals and EAP’s. Are They Worth It?”? EAP Digest, Performance Resource Press, Troy, Michigan, Sept/Oct. 1987.
  • MacDonald G., “Accepting Parental Responsibility: Future Questioning As a Means To Avoid The Foster Home Placement of Children.” CHILD WELFARE LXX Number 1 January/February 1992.
  • Trute B., Adkins E., and MacDonald G., “Professional Attitudes Regarding the Sexual Abuse of Children: Comparing Police, Child Welfare and Community Mental Health” Child Abuse & Neglect Vol. 16 1993.
  • Adkins E., MacDonald G., Trute B., “Community Coordination of Child Sexual Abuse Services: The Manitoba Rural Child Sexual Abuse Project.” in Rodway M. & Trute B., The Ecological Perspective in Family Centered Therapy, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, N.Y., 1993.
  • Trute B., Adkins E., MacDonald G., Vaughn Jones G. and Fedoruk T.,”Bridging The Investigative and Treatment of Intrafamilial Child Sexual Abuse: A Short Term Crisis Service for Abused Children and Their Non Offending Parents”. in Rodway M. & Trute B., The Ecological Perspective in Family Centered Therapy, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, N.Y., 1993.
  • Trute, B., Adkins, E. and MacDonald, G. “Professional attitudes regarding treatment and punishment of incest: Comparing police, child welfare and community mental health”. Journal of Family Violence, 11(3), p. 233 244. Fall /1996.
  • MacDonald, G. “Extending the Future of Counselling Conversations with Letters (Part 1)”. Cognica, XXXV(3), pp.16-17. July/2003.
  • MacDonald, G. “Extending the Future of Counselling Conversations with Letters (Part 11)”. Cognica, XXXV(3), pp.16-17. October/2003.
  • MacDonald, G. “Extending the Future of Counselling Conversations with Letters (Part 11l)”. Cognica, XXXV(3), pp.16-17. January/2004.


  • Trute B., Adkins E., & MacDonald G., “Coordinating Child Sexual Abuse Programs in Rural Areas”. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Ontario, 1994.